Friday, April 12, 2013

"Pick up you"

I am sad to announce that Stephanie has mastered correct usage of the words "me" and "you".  When she first started stringing words together and she wanted to be picked up, she would look at me and say "Pick up you!". 
I have a rule that I try to speak correctly to her regardless of how precious her phrases are-  She would ask for "wawa" and I would hand her water and say "Here is your water".  She likes to eat "noonoos" so I offer her "noodles" (fine, I sometimes offer noonoos, but come on, how can I ALWAYS resist that one!), and slowly but surely, she is correctly saying alot of words. 
As it would turn out, gently and slowly fixing pronunciation is quite easy.  I find it a little sad that water is now "water" and not "wawa", but I know it is for the best.
And then, enter pronouns.  The first time she told us to "Pick up you", we tried to repeat it to her correctly and realized just how hard it is to learn language.  Explain this to a two year old:  When I say you, I mean you, but when you mean you, you should say me, not you...  ACK!  But, suddenly, she seemed to just figure it out.  At first she was super proud of herself, and would say, "Pick up ME!", shouting the "ME" part, but now the pronoun "me" has become so commonplace that it isn't worth shouting, apparently.  Like all of the little speaking quirks, "Pick up you" was short lived, but remains a fond memory of her learning to talk.  I almost feel like I should consider renaming the blog "Stephanie no longer says..."

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