Sunday, March 30, 2014

Our Tiny Hip Hopper

This morning marked Stephanie's first dance class.  I signed her up for tiny hip hoppers, mostly because there was no break-dancing class, which would really have been better suited for her style of dance.  I am really pleased that she is finally at an age that we get to do things like this and she was really excited about it, talking about it all week.  We have a really extensive Parks and Rec system that offers lots of classes and you get to invest in them with minimal time and expense to see how you like them (and that is how I know I can't zumba [why, oh why did I think I could?] , and why I am willing to try a 3 year old in dance classes).
  I was all set for her first dance class... bought her the required tennis shoes this week (she has worn boots all winter), video camera charged with space on the memory card, camera charged, ready to post my first video to the blog ever.  I had a vision of the outfit she might wear for the first class.  I typically let her wear whatever she wants, and occasionally try to find a way to get her in what I want, and I will say that I did put up more resistance than usual to her particular outfit choice, but she was very insistent that it was a good dance class outfit.  Frog pajama top, way too small giraffe pajama bottoms (but don't worry, she can just pull the socks up to keep her ankles covered, as I was told after pointing out the giraffe pant length issue), and a "dress".  This particular dress is a terry cloth bathing suit cover, which in no way matched either pajama piece.  And off we went to dance class.   

We arrived just as the teacher was coming out into the stairwell/hall of the "studio" to tell us parents the guidelines.  The first of which was no parents allowed in the studio.  My anxiety rocketed, as I had assured her that I would be at her class, and now I was certain she would NOT go in with out without me... she objected strongly when I insisted that Buzzy Bee could not come to class.  She won't even sit with the other children at the weekly library story time we go to, instead always choosing to sit in my lap.  She is actually generally very independent, but seems to be fairly shy about situations that involve new people and new experiences.  To make matters worse, she had also been quizzing me about whether or not her best buddy from school would be there, and I had told her, no, she probably would not know anyone, but that she could make new friends, so she was fully aware that she did not know the teachers or any of the other kids.  They eventually do a roll call, and she has to walk up the stairs to join the other kids.  Instead, she clings to my hand and I walk up the stairs with her to get her to go, and I am sure this is going to end badly.  They open the doors and the teacher starts to escort the kids in, and she just lets go of my hand and walks right in without me. At this point, I realize that I, too, must suffer from separation anxiety, as I had to stop myself from calling to her and asking her if she is sure that she is okay with out me.  I just bite my tongue and let her go.  It is pretty similar to how I feel about daycare... If she cries and screams when I leave, I just want her to give it a rest, but if she happily marches off to play with her friends, I sort of miss a bit of mama drama, so I can never win!  During her class, I could see her in the mirror through the window, and she had a great time.  For the record, she was the first one out the door looking for Mommy!  She got a sticker for being a "great dancer" and was thrilled to tell me about the class. I am so glad this worked out for her!  And, while there is no video to post today, the last day of class is "Parent Observation Day", and I fully intend on videoing heavily!  And won't it be fun to see what she wears?  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Introducing Baby Marshmallow Clementine

New Baby on the way has stimulated lots of entertaining conversation with Stephanie.  Oh, and if you didn't know about New Baby, surprise!
First off, we elected to not find out the gender, mostly because we enjoy the surprise, partly because it makes everyone else a little nuts, thus increasing the fun in the announcement after birth.  Since we don't know if it is a boy or a girl, we don't spend much time talking to Stephanie about having a brother or a sister, but more about getting a new baby.  But, of course, the terms brother and sister come up sometimes, and we tell her we don't know if it will be a brother or a sister, we have to wait to find out.  Stephanie originally would tell people, "I might be a little sister or a little brother, we have to wait and see", at which point, I would remind her that she was for sure the big sister, and she might get a little sister or a little brother", and then she would proceed to repeat her original statement.  She finally got it straight when Alaina was here, probably because Alaina kept telling her that she was the big sister.  Next comes naming the baby.  Kevin and I have always favored Sean for a boy, and she picked up on that right away.  After that, it has been all fair game in terms of middle boy names and girl names.  Some of her recommendations thus far:  Sean Clementine (Clementine was [accidentally] suggested as a baby name based on her love for the fruit), in response to, "What if it's a girl?", she suggested Lady Sean Clementine.  She has also recommended Marshmallow Clementine (I guess if one favorite food is good, two favorite foods is better), which I guess could be a gender neutral name, based on Sean Clementine for a boy.  So far, she has mostly rejected our girl names, and I fear her disappointment when we come home without Clementine.  There have been a few decisions that I refuse to have dictated by a three year old, including paint colors for rooms, which pants match which shirt (I do that badly on my own, thank you very much) and definitely New Baby names.  Now that I think about it, maybe we should stick to "New Baby", a la MWC's "New Hall" and wait to name "New Baby" in honor of an outstanding contributor to our family... which apparently worked out for them:  In the meantime, Stephanie can seek out benefactors with the name of "Clementine".

For a long time ago

I would like to interrupt the still unfinished Christmas Series of Posts to post about my new favorite expression that Stephanie has been using for several months.  I fear that if I don't post it now, she will stop using it and it will be lost with time.
She has mixed the expressions "for a long time" and "a long time ago" to create the Steph's-pression "for a long time ago", as in "Daddy hasn't taken me to the pool for a long time ago" or "We haven't played the Scooby Doo game for a long time ago".  Against my typical policy, I occasionally use the expression as well, mostly because I'm not quite ready for her to unlearn this one.  There have been a few Steph's-pressions that we have held onto as a family, "blue-cycling" being a notable one.  "Blue-cycling" is her description of our household recycling efforts, which are always placed in a blue bucket, and now the term is a standard household word.  It seems possible that "for a long time ago" might also stick, at least for a while.