Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lest we forget Boston

Our dear old cat Boston passed away last December.  He was a such a good pet, and I used to miss him every day, but time passes, and I think of him less often now.  Boston had many favorite things like sleeping on our heads and sitting on laps.  But highest on his list might have been his love of roast chicken.  In his old age, he had lost his hearing, and like an old man shouting because he couldn't hear himself, that cat MEOWed!   It was nearly unbearable to work with a cooked chicken in the kitchen because of the loud, incessant meowing.  Our friends that visited would pity our "poor old cat" (he could really put on the old, pathetic cat show for others) and we would laugh, because even up to near his last days, he was willing and able to take flying leaps off of anything to get to a roast chicken.  Anyway, that brings me to Stephie-cat.  Stephie-cat is Stephanie's self-developed cat persona, and she breaks it out whenever it strikes her... grocery store, diaper changes, heading up to bed are the most common times.  She meows, refers to herself as Stephie-cat, and will say things like "Stephie-cat needs a new diaper".  This afternoon, I was pulling chicken off the bone for dinner, and Stephanie started meowing and saying "Stephie-cat need chicken". After a few minutes of this, I got laughing because it was like old times.  It made me miss our old Boston, but I was grateful for the appearance of the Stephie-cat at the opportune time for a nice memory.
Boston never minded sharing laps!

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