Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stephanie on the witness stand

Today, Stephanie turned 2 and 1/2 years old.  The half birthday would normally go barely noted in our home, but this one meant that she moved from the toddler room at school to the preschool room, and today was her first day.  Drop off in a new room with all new people went about as you might expect.  I called later to check on her, and because we have the greatest childcare center ever, they returned my phone call to leave me a reassuring message and then emailed me pictures of her playing.  But even this above and beyond moment wouldn't a blog post make.  But then there was this... After school, Stephanie and I picked Kevin up at work, and Kevin asked how her day was.  I had also asked her about her day, but apparently Kevin brings out the talker in Stephanie, and we got the preschool gossip.  Two of Stephanie's old friends from Bug Garden also moved up in the last few weeks.  Let's call them as L* and A*.  They are both very sweet, but they are also 2.5 years old, so I am not surprised by what followed.  Apparently, "A* hit L* in face with bucket" (which is, as correctly noted next by Stephanie, "not nice").  Stephanie has never ever just volunteered information about her day, so Kevin and I were intrigued!  So of course we starting quizzing her.  Is L* okay?  "NYum" (translates to yes in Steph-speak).  Did you comfort L*? "No, L* got cheese" (?).  Why did A* hit L*? "In face with bucket".  When did A* hit L*? "With bucket".  So we are clear on the weapon of choice, but perhaps need to work on the terms when and why before a court will hear her testimony.  Plus, what's with the cheese?    

1 comment:

  1. Godmother/MD weighing in that cheese is most definitely a fine way to comfort and injured person. And since I know Steph loves cheese about as much as I do I'm sure she realizes that it is appropriate comfot.
