Tuesday, March 12, 2013

All Ready!

Kevin takes Stephanie to the pool at least once a week, and she is really into going to the pool.  I frequently have to get swim diapers out for her stuffed friends (Santa Claus and Mickey Mouse are avid swimmers, apparently) and help them get ready for the pool.  She also is pretty good at gathering all of the pool things and telling me "All ready!".  This includes her suit, Kevin's suit, towels for each of them, and a swim diaper for her.  The other day, she wanted me to help her get dressed for the pool.  She put on two swim diapers (over the regular diaper she already had on), Kevin's swim trunks, and her own bathing suit.  Meanwhile, she was still wearing her pj top, and I really don't know why she grabbed the mittens, but here is the final product:

Seriously, she will eventually learn that "cheese" is not growling for the camera, but until then, let's all enjoy her "smile".

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