Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Labor Day at the Museum

Stephanie, of course, had Labor Day off.  It is a little close to the start of school, and I think we would have appreciated the day off more if it were further into the semester.  That doesn't mean that we didn't enjoy it, though, spending the day, as we did last Labor Day, at the Museum of Life and Science. 
I know you must be thinking that there is no way I have any pictures of spots from the Museum that I haven't already posted.  You would be wrong.  I believe all of the photos that we took on Labor Day were in areas we have never photographed before.  Additionally, I had two young photographers help taking pictures, so I managed to be in a few! 

If the photo seems cute for one child, double down.

Stephanie took her turn with the camera and there were lots of nice pictures of me with Gwen to choose from. 

And we played with the timer on the camera.  We had a hard time convincing Gwen to be in the picture with us, because she was really committed to sitting on the yellow chair. 

So we adjusted the camera and managed her vision. 

A bit later, we gave Gwen a turn with the camera.  Mostly she took pictures of the ground, our feet, and the occasional unflattering shot of poor unsuspecting museum patrons.  But she managed to get just a few of Stephanie and I. 

We could tell her lens was slowly dropping, so we followed it for a few more shots.  It was definitely good for the laugh and the photos.

This water area is a favorite of Gwen's.  She rinses the rocks off and makes a stack of them, and takes the job very seriously. 

And then there are the new favorite construction planks.  Gwen played very nicely and let Stephanie build the tower.  Gwen was promised that she could knock it over after it was complete and many people were admiring her patience, because, as you can imagine, it took a while to build.

Stephanie had called her over in preparation for the final touches.  She stayed posed like this (to knock it down with her head) until she was given the all clear.  It reminded me of one of those dogs that will sit with the treat on their nose, which is probably a moderately unkind comparison, yet none the less accurate.

And that was it for the tower, and for us.  We headed home for a later than it should have been evening, thanks to all the fun, and then had to settle back into the school routine, which is going just as well during Week 2. 

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