Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Introducing Baby Marshmallow Clementine

New Baby on the way has stimulated lots of entertaining conversation with Stephanie.  Oh, and if you didn't know about New Baby, surprise!
First off, we elected to not find out the gender, mostly because we enjoy the surprise, partly because it makes everyone else a little nuts, thus increasing the fun in the announcement after birth.  Since we don't know if it is a boy or a girl, we don't spend much time talking to Stephanie about having a brother or a sister, but more about getting a new baby.  But, of course, the terms brother and sister come up sometimes, and we tell her we don't know if it will be a brother or a sister, we have to wait to find out.  Stephanie originally would tell people, "I might be a little sister or a little brother, we have to wait and see", at which point, I would remind her that she was for sure the big sister, and she might get a little sister or a little brother", and then she would proceed to repeat her original statement.  She finally got it straight when Alaina was here, probably because Alaina kept telling her that she was the big sister.  Next comes naming the baby.  Kevin and I have always favored Sean for a boy, and she picked up on that right away.  After that, it has been all fair game in terms of middle boy names and girl names.  Some of her recommendations thus far:  Sean Clementine (Clementine was [accidentally] suggested as a baby name based on her love for the fruit), in response to, "What if it's a girl?", she suggested Lady Sean Clementine.  She has also recommended Marshmallow Clementine (I guess if one favorite food is good, two favorite foods is better), which I guess could be a gender neutral name, based on Sean Clementine for a boy.  So far, she has mostly rejected our girl names, and I fear her disappointment when we come home without Clementine.  There have been a few decisions that I refuse to have dictated by a three year old, including paint colors for rooms, which pants match which shirt (I do that badly on my own, thank you very much) and definitely New Baby names.  Now that I think about it, maybe we should stick to "New Baby", a la MWC's "New Hall" and wait to name "New Baby" in honor of an outstanding contributor to our family... which apparently worked out for them:  In the meantime, Stephanie can seek out benefactors with the name of "Clementine".

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