Friday, October 4, 2013

Fang Inspection

We went to the dentist last week for Stephanie's biannual check-up, and I was happy to learn that her teeth look great.  This is gratifying, as a lot of time and energy in this house is spent chasing her around twice a day with a toothbrush.  A little positive reinforcement usually goes a long way for good cooperation- I should probably consider buying stock in light sticks.  I also learned that she had gotten six (that's right SIX) new teeth since her last visit 6 months ago.  I knew about exactly zero of these teeth- a reminder that I'm not gifted with a strong power of observation (those of you who know me well should not feel bad about nodding your head right now:))
The dentist told me (and I knew she would, but until she did, I was avoiding it like the plague) that it was time to start using toothpaste with fluoride.  That means I have to get her to stand, brush her teeth and immediately spit in the sink.  Stephanie, of course, got a new toothbrush and they gave her a travel size "sparkle" toothpaste that smells suspiciously not mint (in addition to my problems with observation, I also lack a strong sense of smell).  I have purposely avoided kid's flavors, and was using a very minty non-fluoride toothpaste before.  Turns out, the change in tooth brushing routine has been magical.  I don't know if it is just the cool little toothpaste tube, the sparkle, the non-mint flavor, the new toothbrush or the spitting, but she now demands tooth brushing and, if we are home all day, we have to do it three times.  It is the highlight of each morning and night, and I, for one, am relieved.
As for the visit to the dentist, she did great.  She was a little hesitant at first, but they showed her how the chair worked and then she realized there was a television above the chair and she could wear headphones and watch Dora the Explorer, and she was in.  There were children older than her crying (which I realize might be her one day), but for this visit, she was such a trooper!
She is holding the dentist's tiger-  his mouth opens and you can brush his teeth.

One last little funny moment to share from the dentist office.  Another patient was ahead of us checking out, so I suggested we go to the bathroom.  I said, "You haven't gone since we left the house, and I could stand to go too."  Stephanie says, "Mommy, you can't stand!  You have to sit."  As always, the talking just kills me!

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