Monday, March 14, 2016

Another day, another adventure

Wednesday: Nice and low key play date at the neighbors house.
Thursday: Afternoon at the Museum of Life and Science with our neighbor buddies
Friday: Neighbor buddies convince me it a good idea to go to the indoor pool in Raleigh (it was) and why not hit the nature preserve on the way home (okay, I needed to charge the car, and there was a charge station there, but I only needed to charge and hour and we stayed for three)
Saturday: See previous blog post
Sunday: I had a lovely afternoon at home while Gwen had a nice nap in her own bed, while Kevin and Stephanie haul back to Raleigh for an 80+ minute orienteering race).  OH! And bonus-time change!
Monday: Stephanie and I both wake up in less that premium moods- my patience is thin, she is on a very obvious emotional edge- I decide to cancel the next adventure, Greensboro science center with the neighbor buddies.  Neighbor adult Buddy is very understanding, neighbor child buddy is very disappointed.  I am already packed and prepped and after talking to them decide to un-cancel and off we go on our first trip to the Greensboro Science Center. 
Tomorrow: Museum of Life and Science

Honestly, most weeks aren't like this, and we are usually only gone for most of a day once or at most twice in one week.  But the weather has finally turned  warm, the neighbors have all been around and, frankly, it is often harder to spend a whole day at home than it is to spend a hectic day out and about.  

That brings us to today's pictures.  The Science Center was good.  No Life and Science Museum (and really, who could expect that much), but it definitely had a few gold stars, especially the aquarium.  

Stephanie easily identified this Lego structure that was down a random hall in a stretch of classrooms as a Star Wars ship.  I wasn't sure, but, like all good museums, items were identified by small cards, and indeed she was correct.  

Siamese turtles!  Really!

My friend with us recommended this shot in the aquarium... So cute of the big kids!

Sting Ray petting was a big hit and on the list as our last must do again item before we headed out.

There were free range chickens and peacocks, and the peacocks were beautiful.  The big kids were desperately following it very quietly to get as close as possible.  Gwen was less of a fan, and tried to scale the wall into the goat pen to get away.

Speaking of scaling walls...

Baby gibbon... So ridiculously cute

Gwen liked the wallaby almost as much as she likes strawberries.

1 comment:

  1. Fun pictures! And Gwen-that's my girl. Run from those birds!!!
