Wednesday, July 20, 2016

MLS on a HOT day

The temperatures here aren't giving up, but neither are we!  We made a trip this week to MLS and did the outdoor area despite it!  Of course, that was AFTER a trip to the summer kids series at the movie theater!  Anyway, it is a story better told in pictures!
Check out those seats!  To get the sofa and ottoman experience, you have to sit in the front row, but totally worth it!  Oh, and who would have guessed that Gwen would like soda?

Into the Mist at the museum was a good cool down!

You know what is fun to do with kids?  Take the sweaty wet ones to a sandbox...

Gwen and the MLS donkey checking each other out.  This kid LOVES animals, provided they are well contained!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

What I don't want to forget

So this blog has started to largely be a chronicle of our adventures, and why not?  We are getting to do so many new things now that I am home with the girls all the time and Stephanie is not in school. And so many of those things are photo worthy!  But I wanted to pause from the adventures to put down on paper (screen?) some of the other moments.
Gwen's last pacifier finally broke a while back (actually the last two broke on the same day... How's that for rotten luck).  I was worried about her sleeping without it (rightly so), and told Stephanie maybe we should find her something "special" to bring to bed for nap.  Stephanie mobilized and before I could think, had a collection of items for Gwen to choose from, including Stephanie's very own Buzzy Bee and dads pillows.  Gwen went with the "new" soft blanket, but for good measure, Stephanie put all of it in her crib.  Better safe than sorry, I suppose.  It didn't work, and this is how she looked hours after nap time started...

Thus came a big bedtime and nap time routine shift.  With the pacifier, Gwen just wanted to go to bed to have it, so reading or rocking or singing were all optional.  Post pacifier, and we suddenly had to work for it a bit.  That meant a much longer reading time, coming down to say goodnight to everyone after getting ready for bed, watching the digital picture frame for a while, and she wasn't all that happy to be put in her crib when the time came.  Over an adjustment period, we have settled into an old familiar routine of telling her someone would check on her, and having to go in and out of her room several times.  Fortunately, we have an eager volunteer.  In fact, as soon as we have put Gwen in the crib, Stephanie is in there, reading her a book and singing songs, sometimes for ten or fifteen minutes.  She has a child size rocking chair that she pulls up to the crib, so she reminds me of the "old lady whispering hush" from Goodnight Moon.  If Stephanie is outside or doing something else as Gwen's bedtime approaches, she always tells me to let her know if Gwen asks for her and she will be right up.  Inevitably, Gwen asks for her, and she rushes up.

And then there is the morning.  Gwen takes sleeping in far more seriously than Stephanie ever did, so I have rarely had a 6 am wake up with her, but she still sometimes beats us up.  Good news for us though, as little miss up at the crack of dawn (who will totally hang out in her room looking at books until one of us is up, which I am eternally grateful for) is happy to rush in to Gwen's room to either entertain her in the crib, or, when Gwen will allow it, drag her out of the crib to play.  Gwen prefers to waIt for one of us to get her, but I heard Stephanie this morning telling her that there were more toys if she got out of the crib, and that seemed to swing the pendulum in favor of being drug out of bed by sister.  I figured out later that,in order to get her out of bed, Stephanie has to put a step stool in the crib, get Gwen to stand up on it, and then help her out.  According to Stephanie, she has only fallen in the process once.  And maybe that is why Gwen prefers to wait for the adults.  
The other morning, I was mostly awake when they were up, as I often am, and Stephanie snuck into our room.  She realized I was awake on her way out, informed me that Gwen was up, she had it under control and just needed to come into our room to get Gwen some bug bite cream.  And that was fine with me, because I knew that Stephanie really did have it under control.  Of course, Kevin and I got out of bed a few minutes later, but it is always nice to have a slower wake up and it is so nice to hear them playing in Gwen's room every morning, which is always when they are at their best.  
Sometimes Stephanie takes things a bit too far.  For instance, Gwen is totally happy to have Stephanie pick out her clothes (usually to "match" her own outfit dujour but sometimes you need to squint to figure out what the outfits have in common, as Stephanie is more imaginative about what matches than maybe everyone else in the world), but is less thrilled when Stephanie actually tries to dress her.  Maybe it is the military approach Stephanie takes, yelling commands like "hands up to the sky!"?  Either way, Gwen, again, would prefer the adults to help.  
The two of them together isn't always easy.  When Gwen goes to nap, there is nearly an audible sigh from the bones of the house as Stephanie and I make our way downstairs.  And it is peaceful for both of us for a few hours.  But then Gwen stirs, and as I am trying to gather my wits to go retrieve her, Stephanie is on top of me asking if she can go entertain Gwen until I get upstairs.  Sure, honey.  Go for it.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th the second

It is officially the fourth, and since we have such great outfits we decided to celebrate it all over, this time at the museum.  
First stop, the lab. Where the experiments covered stars.  Among other things, they got to try on glasses that make all of the lights split into the spectrum.  Not to mention how stylish they were.  

And Gwen discovered it was particularly magical if you looked up at the ceiling lights.

One of the areas of the museum that draws them in is this screen on the floor.  It has light patterns projected on the floor and they, and the other kids, come up with games related to the lights (jump over the lines, stay in the circle, stay out of the circle, etc).  It is in the social experiment area, and it really is interesting to watch the kids gather and decide on the rules in that moment.  Today, it was jump over the line...

Oh, and a project I have been eying in the Lego area.  AND in case you didn't catch it, I got to go all holiday colors.  This made me very happy and mostly I was glad that Stephanie agreed, because I was doing it with or without her being excited about it.  

And then we got photobombed by Santa.  Is he thinking about replacing the reindeer with alpaca? 

Red barn wall, kids, Fourth of July, camera= irresistible. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 4th on the 3rd

Today was the first annual Pittsboro Summerfest, and we discovered a couple of days ago that there would be a bike parade.  And that was something that we would not be passing up!
Gwen had a cute outfit that I had thrift stored a while back, but Steph was lacking in the red, white and blue department.  Luckily, my Mom had let me borrow some fabric paints a while back and I turned a stained white shirt she never wore into a festive 4th of July shirt.  Stephanie declared it the best craft ever, so that was definitely a win!

And while you can't really see it, you might want to squint and admire the new sofa, complete with multi colored buttons!

And off to the parade.  Stephanie had a "rocket bike" and Gwen was Mission Control, complete with a little computer and Oskar the Bear in an astronaut helmet (how is the for a birthday party reuse, courtesy of Alaina?)

The parade was very short, 8 minutes total.  They gave out prizes, but Stephanie didn't win.  Disappointing, for sure, as we thought (and we are completely impartial, of course!) it was one of the most creative out there, but it was also more subtle.  Lesson learned... More glitter glue next year!  And mostly I was in it for the photos... Which rocked!

After the parade, we enjoyed some of the downtown festivities and a nearby park.  

And this was only the third of July.  Planning for a repeat fun day tomorrow!