Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Trick or Treat

So, we are officially three weeks into November, and I have not yet posted any Halloween pictures-  time to correct that!
This was essentially our first Halloween with Stephanie, as she hasn't really been interested until this year. Typically, dressing up isn't actually all that interesting to her, but she was pretty excited to get her jack-o'-lantern costume out and the chance to collect a bag full of candy was irresistible.  I dressed up too and was feeling like a cool Mom.  But, as over enthusiastic for Halloween as Kevin is, he definitely won the cool parent in costume award.  Multiple houses offered him candy in addition to Stephanie, which I think he probably should have accepted :)
Kids in our neighborhood weren't out until 6:30, and it was quite chilly.  Stephanie started out swaggering down the sidewalk, but stopped short at the driveway of the first house, refusing to go up to the door.  We coerced her, tried to get a "Trick or Treat" or "Thank you", but nothing.  Kevin carried her up to the next few houses, and then she got a grip as to what exactly was happening and was fully on board.  No matter how far we walked, she would say, "I go to 'nother house" and she ended up with a ton of candy, which is currently being eaten at a rate of one piece a day...  
I gave up at 7:30 and went home to hand out candy, of which I had bought a ton, imagining that Stephanie would go to a few houses and then be back home.  There weren't as many kids out as normal, and we live on the non-sidewalk side of the street (parents with the cute little kids in wagons don't typically drop by), and it was getting dark and late and even colder at that point, so I mostly got teenagers in well-thought out costumes like Chief's jerseys.  While I was disappointed in the trick or treaters I had, I like to think that our little Stephanie brightened lots of doorways.  

One of our neighbors really really likes Halloween.  This was our third or fourth house, so Kevin was still hauling her up to the door to beg for candy!

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